Is there a noun for an intentionally simplified task?

Similar to "dumbed-down" but a noun, with a stress on the ease of task execution. E.g. "The manager asked for expedited reviews of contributions because he wanted the project to be a(n) '-----'"

Solution 1:

I'd like to suggest the word breeze

Breeze [ breez ] noun
1 a wind or current of air, especially a light or moderate one.
2 a wind of 4–31 miles per hour (2–14 m/sec).
3 Informal. an easy task; something done or carried on without difficulty: Finding people to join in the adventure was a breeze.
4 Chiefly British Informal. a disturbance or quarrel.

Source: online dictionary

Meaning 3 seems a possibility if you don't mind it being informal.
Not exactly what you have asked for but in the context of the example you give I think it can imply that the manager did not want to expend much effort and that short-cuts should be taken.