How can I get a list of ships I own and their location?

Solution 1:

While there's no easy in game method for determining the location of all of your ships, don't forget that the asset window does have a search feature. For instance, if you're looking for your prized Ferox, you can search for Ferox in the asset window and it will give you the location of any Feroxes (Feroxen?) that you may own.

Additionally, when looking at assets for a particular station, you can sort the assets by volume. Generally speaking, this will put all of your ships at the top (or bottom) of the asset list as you're not likely to own much that's bigger than a ship.

Lastly, I've not used it myself, but according to one of my alliance mates, EveHQ may be able to provide exactly what you're looking for. Apparently the asset manager in the program is very full featured.

Solution 2:

If you have an Android device you can get Aura for Android. One of the many things that allows you to do is view your assets, and even has a tab for all of your ships and their locations.

Full disclosure: The CEO of my corp is the developer of Aura, but I found him in game because I liked his product, and I am a fellow Android developer.