Is there a term for generally not wanting to be associated with established groups?

I usually stay away from considering myself to belong to groups1 because I don't have control over them and their reputation derived either from actions committed in the past, present or future by those who were, are or will consider themselves or be considered by others as members of such aforementioned groups, or from different definitions of what the groups are about, causing as a result different interpretations and assumptions with prejudice.

That way, from my view, most stereotypes and presumptions can be avoided even if I do have some similarities that would make someone associate me with a particular group.

Is there a term that resembles that of what I just explained?

1 Examples of what I mean by groups from the top of my head (list not exhaustive and possibly slightly incorrect):

  • Religion: buddhism, christianism, including (non-religions terms/philosofies) atheism, theism, nihilism, and so on.
  • Political parties/systems like anarchy, democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, those kinds of views and whatnot.
  • Particular subjects / others: gamer, virgin, weeaboo, introvert, extrovert.
  • Gender (online).
  • Etc...

The most generic term available for this is undefined or not defined, depending on which flows better in speech.

Because a definition for undefined gives you something along the lines of not defined, here is the definition for define. I'll be going with the sense in #3 on Merriam-Webster:


  1. Characterize; Distinguish
    you define yourself by the choices you make

This tells us that someone who is undefined is not characterized or distinguished. Forms of distinguishing someone by association are, then, caught by this phrase.

Are you a Christian?
No, I am not. As a matter of fact, I don't belong to any group, religious or social. I am undefined by those things.