How can I right-align text in a DataGridView column?

Solution 1:

this.dataGridView1.Columns["CustomerName"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; 

Solution 2:

To set align text in dataGridCell you have two ways:

Set the align for a specific cell or set for each cell of row.

For one column go to Columns->DataGridViewCellStyle


For each column go to RowDefaultCellStyle

The control panel is the same as the follow:

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I know this is old, but for those surfing this question, the answer by MUG4N will align all columns that use the same defaultcellstyle. I'm not using autogeneratecolumns so that is not acceptable. Instead I used:

e.Column.DefaultCellStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle(e.Column.DefaultCellStyle);
e.Column.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;

In this case e is from:

Grd_ColumnAdded(object sender, DataGridViewColumnEventArgs e)  

Solution 4:

you can edit all the columns at once by using this simple code via Foreach loop

        foreach (DataGridViewColumn item in datagridview1.Columns)
            item.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;