ignorecase in AWK

The following command is working as expected.

# some command | awk '/(\<^create\>|\<^alter\>|\<^drop\>)/,/;/' 
create table todel1 (id int) max_rows=2
alter table todel1 engine=InnoDB
create database common
create database rules

But it matches only the lower case "create", "alter" etc. I want to use IGNORECASE switch in the awk statement so that it will return all instances of the search term.

Add IGNORECASE = 1; to the beginning of your awk command like so:

bash-3.2$ echo "Create" | awk '/^create/;'
bash-3.2$ echo "Create" | awk 'IGNORECASE = 1;/^create/;'

The following line executes an OR test instead of an AND :

echo -e "Create\nAny text" | awk 'IGNORECASE = 1;/^create/;'
Any text

The BEGIN special word solved the problem :

echo -e "Create\nAny text" | awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE = 1}/^create/;'

Hope this helps.
