Entity Framework Core Database Table Valued Functions Mapping

There's no reverse engineer (aka DbContext scaffolding) support for it, but you can use FromSql() to query using table-valued functions. See these docs.

var searchTerm = "EF Core";
var blogResults = db.Blogs.FromSql(
    "SELECT * FROM dbo.SearchBlogs({0})",

Source : https://www.allhandsontech.com/data-professional/entityframework/entity-framework-core-advanced-mapping/

Use HasDbFunction to do a mapping, refer Microsoft doc

It requires return types to be declared as Keyless entity using HasNoKeyMicrosoft doc

Configure EF Context to expose Db function



Invoke Db function in calling code


Generated SQL

SELECT [c].[Name], [c].[TotalSpent]
FROM [dbo].[CustomerNameAndTotalSpent]() AS [c]
WHERE [c].[TotalSpent] > 100