More precise term for wide handrail

Is there a better term than "wide handrail" for stone (or similar material) balustrades wide enough that a person can lie on? I'm looking for a word that when put into Google Image search, would produce something like this:

enter image description here

I've tried "railing", "rail", "balustrade", "parapet", but they all produce narrow railings.

Although a Google search doesn't show many image results, parapet is the right word for the place where the guy is lying.

parapet - [ˈper-ə-pət , -ˌpet, ˈpa-rə-] A low wall along the edge of something high such as a bridge or roof, a low wall or railing along the edge of a balcony, roof, etc.

enter image description here

Etymology - 1580s, from Middle French parapet "breastwork" (16c.), or directly from Italian parapetto, from para- "defense" (see para- (2)) + petto "breast," from Latin pectus (see pectoral (adj.))

The above picture shows how the Italian word "parapetto", which means "supports the chest", fits perfectly what the structure is supposed to be used for.