Create grouping variable for consecutive sequences and split vector

I have a vector, such as c(1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 29, 30) and I would like to group together the 'neighboring' elements that form a regular, consecutive sequence, i.e. an increase by 1, in a ragged vector resulting in:

L1: 1
L2: 3,4,5
L3: 9,10
L4: 17
L5: 29,30

Naive code (of an ex-C programmer):

partition.neighbors <- function(v)
    result <<- list() #jagged array
    currentList <<- v[1] #current series

    for(i in 2:length(v))
        if(v[i] - v [i-1] == 1)
            currentList <<- c(currentList, v[i])
            result <<- c(result, list(currentList))
            currentList <<- v[i] #next series


Now I understand that

a) R is not C (despite the curly brackets)
b) global variables are pure evil
c) that is a horribly inefficient way of achieving the result

, so any better solutions are welcome.

Making heavy use of some R idioms:

> split(v, cumsum(c(1, diff(v) != 1)))
[1] 1

[1] 3 4 5

[1]  9 10

[1] 17

[1] 29 30

daroczig writes "you could write a lot neater code based on diff"...

Here's one way:

split(v, cumsum(diff(c(-Inf, v)) != 1))

EDIT (added timings):

Tommy discovered this could be faster by being careful with types; the reason it got faster is that split is faster on integers, and is actually faster still on factors.

Here's Joshua's solution; the result from the cumsum is a numeric because it's being c'd with 1, so it's the slowest.

a <- cumsum(c(1, diff(v) != 1))
split(v, a)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  1.839   0.004   1.848 

Just cing with 1L so the result is an integer speeds it up considerably.

a <- cumsum(c(1L, diff(v) != 1))
split(v, a)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.744   0.000   0.746 

This is Tommy's solution, for reference; it's also splitting on an integer.

> system.time({
a <- cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(v) != 1L))
split(v, a)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.742   0.000   0.746 

Here's my original solution; it also is splitting on an integer.

a <- cumsum(diff(c(-Inf, v)) != 1)
split(v, a)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.750   0.000   0.754 

Here's Joshua's, with the result converted to an integer before the split.

a <- cumsum(c(1, diff(v) != 1))
a <- as.integer(a)
split(v, a)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.736   0.002   0.740 

All the versions that split on an integer vector are about the same; it could be even faster if that integer vector was already a factor, as the conversion from integer to factor actually takes about half the time. Here I make it into a factor directly; this is not recommended in general because it depends on the structure of the factor class. It'ss done here for comparison purposes only.

a <- cumsum(c(1L, diff(v) != 1))
a <- structure(a, class = "factor", levels = 1L:a[length(a)])
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.356   0.000   0.357