How can I disable alt+click window dragging?

In 14.04 (or 14.10, 15.04, 15.10, 16.04), to set the default key / value:

dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences/mouse-button-modifier  '"<Alt>"'

You can give it a (limited number of) other value(s), but DON'T set it to none like you could in the past. Nor should you set it to an empty string, Doing either will give you some trouble getting control over your mouse back, as I found out...

The practical value of this information is quite limited, since not many alternative keys are accepted. I found only Shift and Super to be working, which I doubt will give you the solution you'd like to have.

Of course you can use dconf-editor as well:


enter image description here

Today I've learned that pressing key


together with

Alt + Click

circumvents (deactivates) the dragging behavior. Solved my issues at least, as the application (Inkscape) I wanted to use Alt+Click with, seems to simply ignore the additional key (Super) been pressed.



By the way, it's also documented officially at: