Can I open Microsoft Word and Excel files?

Can I open Microsoft Word and Excel files with Ubuntu?

Yes, LibreOffice, or previously, can read and write word documents and excel worksheets.

Both programmes can open Microsoft .doc files automatically .

In libreoffice and open office you will need to remember to save your documents as Microsoft xp .doc.

To do this when you want to save your document click file>save as or instead press ctrl-shift-s to save as and select microsoft word 97/2000/xp on the right hand side (see my picture here)

How to save as Microsoft files

Alternatively I have set up libre office to do this automatically as all my work has to be microsoft compatible.

If you would like to set this option up. Here is how to:

In libre-writer click tools>options>load/save>general

The select always save as Microssoft 97/2000/XP

Untick the option to warn when not saving as ODF

Press ok

Like this

enter image description here

Now all your documents will be saved in this format automatically

Hope that helps

If you don't wish to use LibreOffice or OpenOffice, you can also install Microsoft Office via Wine or through PlayOnLinux.

Word, Excel and Power Point are known applications that will work and this way you can gain access to your files using these programs. There are known issues that won't allow other programs (such as Access) to work properly both in Wine or PlayOnLinux.

There are several versions of MS Office that are known to work without a hassle using PlayOnLinux and/or Wine.

Information on how to install these applications in PlayOnLinux and or Wine can be gathered on the net, examples are provided as follows:


Office 2007 Installed in Ubuntu Screenshot: enter image description here


Office 2007 Installer: enter image description here

Good luck!

I use LibreOffice on my netbook and Microsoft Office 2007 at work and have therefore some experience in transferring files back and forth.

LibreOffice reads and writes doc, xls and ppt files and even the docx, xlsx and pptx formats. Do not expect perfect compatibility however. Simple stuff without complex features transfers OK, but there are limits, especially in fonts.

For instance MS Office replaces the pretty Ubuntu font with an ugly one that it believes to be a close match. More serious problems happen with fonts in PowerPoint. Slides may turn out distorted in LibreOffice with text no longer fitting in the title bar or in the slide. Can be corrected, but not if you are in a hurry to start your presentation...

LibreOffice is installed by default and will do it. Alternatively you can install Microsoft Office via wine, that is supported pretty well.