Is the "affects me" button in launchpad gone?

Solution 1:

The "affects me" button is only visible if you're logged in to the Launchpad site — so if it's missing, it's because you're logged out!

Solution 2:

It is so flippin' hard to find where to click to indicate "yes this bug affects me too!". So:

Here are the steps to mark the bug as affecting you too on


Click the link in the top-left that says:

This bug affects XX people. Does this bug affect you?

...then click "Yes, it affects me" in the popup dialog box which comes up.


This is the process to "increase the heat" or "add fire to" an issue, to bring it to the attention of the project developers.

Here is an example bug I am looking at:

Even though I've done this dozens of times in the past, I haven't done it recently, and I couldn't remember how to do it, and it took me a solid 5 minutes to figure it out again! So, I'm documenting it here.

  1. Click the link above, then in the top-right, log in to Once logged in, you'll see your name in the top-right corner (as shown below), indicating you're logged-in.

  2. Click the text/link in the top-left which says:

    This bug affects XX people. Does this bug affect you?

    1. You'll see that it turns into a hyperlink once you hover your mouse over it, as shown in the image below. enter image description here
  3. Click "Yes, it affects me" in the popup dialog box which comes up after clicking on the link. Once you've clicked that, refresh the page and stare at the fire icon, also circled below: enter image description here

  4. In my case, the fire icon increased from 330 to 334, as shown below, and the link we clicked on before now says (emphasis added):

    This bug affects you and 76 other people.

    enter image description here

That's it!

Final thoughts: launchpad is pretty stinking archaic, as far as "modern" software goes. As developers age out and younger ones come in, and as systems continue to advance, I foresee/predict more and more bugs being tracked as "issues" on places like GitHub, Gitlab, and Bitbucket, and places like dying out. Github and Gitlab have far better and easier-to-use issue tracking systems in my opinion. Even KiCad, my favorite circuit board design tool, has finally seen the light and in the last year or so migrated from here ( to Gitlab here (! Here is their new issue tracker: It is much easier to use!