Are there good words for "non-religious" that are broader than "secular"?

I want to say "it's very something of them to be open on Christmas day." Neither secular nor pluralist feels quite right. secular suggests opposition to religion, rather than inclusive of both religious and non-religious folks. The sense I'm hoping to convey is that while most people in the US do take the day off, there's something welcoming about not assuming that everyone wants the day off.

I'm looking for a word that conveys a sense of being welcoming or open-minded and compatible with lots of different perspectives.

I've been looking through thesauruses for synonyms and antonyms to secular, welcoming, pluralist, open-minded, pragmatic, partisan and not coming up with what I want. I feel like there's a specific word that I can't zero in on. pluralist comes closest, I guess, but it isn't quite right.

Note: to answer some of the questions in comments, I am (was) looking for a word that suggests that the actor isn't assuming that everyone shares the same religion or celebrates religious holidays. By the example (which was literally the sentence I was trying to write) I meant that it was nice of the employer to not assume that everyone wants to take Christmas off, on the theory that some staff might prefer to work on Christmas and take Yom Kippur or Eid off instead. I can see how I could have explained that better.

Solution 1:

It is very accommodating of them to be open on Christmas Day.

This avoids any religious connotations, but implies they might like to be closed.


Willing to fit in with someone's wishes or needs.
We always found our local branch most accommodating.

Solution 2:

The shop is open in order to make money. I doubt there is a deeper ideological motivation for working on what is normally a holiday. It's very commercial of them to be open on Christmas Day.

occupied with or engaged in commerce or work intended for commerce

Merriam Webster

[Unless you are talking about a Homeless Shelter being open on Christmas Day in which case I would say it is very charitable of them.]