What is a verb for "the usage of an angry tone of voice"? [closed]

Solution 1:

Tone-of-voice words include irate, cross, indignant, nettled, riled, heated, incensed, biting, resentful, provoked, imprecation. Examples: "'You're late!', she said hotly" and "'Come here,' he said crossly."

Looking specifically at verbs we have fume, rave, grumble, chide, rebuke, chafe, fret, remonstrate, recriminate, decry. Examples: "'What have you done now?", she raved", "'There's none for me,' he grumbled" and "'I'm so lame", she fumed." Also see list of 214 words some believe can be used in place of said.

Solution 2:

I'd be inclined to say 'Don't look at me in that tone of voice.'

Solution 3:

Growl, hiss, and the like, as in:

"You had better not do that," he growled.

"Shut up," she hissed.

Solution 4:

To rant is "to speak in an angry or violent manner" -- not necessarily with volume.

(It's actually more chilling that way.)

Solution 5:

I can't think of a single word but the phrase "His voice was seething with anger" comes to mind - but perhaps the term "seething" is too intense for your liking. Also, it has to be used in a descriptive way to make clear that it refers to one's voice.