How can I match multiple occurrences with a regex in JavaScript similar to PHP's preg_match_all()?
I am trying to parse url-encoded strings that are made up of key=value pairs separated by either &
or &
The following will only match the first occurrence, breaking apart the keys and values into separate result elements:
var result = mystring.match(/(?:&|&)?([^=]+)=([^&]+)/)
The results for the string '1111342=Adam%20Franco&348572=Bob%20Jones' would be:
['1111342', 'Adam%20Franco']
Using the global flag, 'g', will match all occurrences, but only return the fully matched sub-strings, not the separated keys and values:
var result = mystring.match(/(?:&|&)?([^=]+)=([^&]+)/g)
The results for the string '1111342=Adam%20Franco&348572=Bob%20Jones' would be:
['1111342=Adam%20Franco', '&348572=Bob%20Jones']
While I could split the string on &
and break apart each key/value pair individually, is there any way using JavaScript's regular expression support to match multiple occurrences of the pattern /(?:&|&)?([^=]+)=([^&]+)/
similar to PHP's preg_match_all()
I'm aiming for some way to get results with the sub-matches separated like:
[['1111342', '348572'], ['Adam%20Franco', 'Bob%20Jones']]
[['1111342', 'Adam%20Franco'], ['348572', 'Bob%20Jones']]
Hoisted from the comments
2020 comment: rather than using regex, we now have
, which does all of this for us, so no custom code, let alone regex, are necessary anymore.– Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans
Browser support is listed here
I would suggest an alternative regex, using sub-groups to capture name and value of the parameters individually and re.exec()
function getUrlParams(url) {
var re = /(?:\?|&(?:amp;)?)([^=&#]+)(?:=?([^&#]*))/g,
match, params = {},
decode = function (s) {return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " "));};
if (typeof url == "undefined") url = document.location.href;
while (match = re.exec(url)) {
params[decode(match[1])] = decode(match[2]);
return params;
var result = getUrlParams(",8.679886&sspn=0.370369,0.833588&ie=UTF8&ll=50.116616,8.680573&spn=0.35972,0.833588&z=11&iwloc=addr");
is an object:
{ f: "q" geocode: "" hl: "de" ie: "UTF8" iwloc: "addr" ll: "50.116616,8.680573" q: "Frankfurt am Main" sll: "50.106047,8.679886" source: "s_q" spn: "0.35972,0.833588" sspn: "0.370369,0.833588" z: "11" }
The regex breaks down as follows:
(?: # non-capturing group \?|& # "?" or "&" (?:amp;)? # (allow "&", for wrongly HTML-encoded URLs) ) # end non-capturing group ( # group 1 [^=]+ # any character except "=", "&" or "#"; at least once ) # end group 1 - this will be the parameter's name (?: # non-capturing group =? # an "=", optional ( # group 2 [^]* # any character except "&" or "#"; any number of times ) # end group 2 - this will be the parameter's value ) # end non-capturing group
You need to use the 'g' switch for a global search
var result = mystring.match(/(&|&)?([^=]+)=([^&]+)/g)