Definition of "Cross-Dimensional"?

From what I understood, it is something related to the word "Cross-Section", which is defined as a surface or shape that intersects with an three dimensional object with a plane.

but I wonder, with this word, is there anything more too it or is it basically the same thing, the word I heard it from is here:

Solution 1:

I don't think it is anything to do cross-sections, or "dimensions" in the ordinary, or even the mathematical sense of the word.

Dimension has been used in Science Fiction for at least seventy five years to refer to other worlds than our own: not other planets, but whole universes parallel to our own.

I haven't found this meaning in any online dictionaries, but The Science Fiction Encyclopaedia says, in its article on "dimension":

The possible existence of Parallel worlds displaced from ours along a fourth spatial dimension (in the same way that a series of two-dimensional universes might lie next to one another like the pages of a book) is a popular hypothesis in sf, and such worlds are frequently referred to as "other dimensions". (Emphasis added)

I believe that cross-dimensional refers to this meaning: "Cross-dimensional magic" is magic that crosses the boundary between some parallel worlds, or dimensions.