Can you download and play Realm of The Mad God from somewhere else other then Steam?
I'm not a big fan of Steam, and I hate playing over my browser even more, so is there a way to download the game client from somewhere else and play it without third-party software like Steam?
Solution 1:
No, not really. Currently the only forms in which it can be played are through the main website, Kongregate (Thanks @Ullallulloo), Steam, and the Google Chrome Web Store.
After some work, you could maybe disassemble the flash loader file and download the files from the server, but you would have to keep on top of changes to the system because it seems they upgrade relatively frequently (monthly). And in all the announcements for Steam support, it lists it as a browser game, which would indicate that it has no support for other forms.
Haven't tested, but if the flash file loads files from the server in the right manner, you could potentially just download the loader file (the one the browser loads) and play it in flash player. But that is probably the best you'll be able to do for now.
Solution 2:
With this extension you can do it:
Open game's web page and click extension's icon on toolbar. When it fullsized game, right click and press "Save a shortcut" button. It'll download and make a shortcut to play game without browser.
Firefox version of same extension:
Solution 3:
You can make your own executable with Flash Projector that's literally just a window that plays the Flash game within. It solves a lot of the loading/memory problems and reduces lag heavily, makes controls more reactive.