PyTorch element-wise filter layer
Hi, I want to add element-wise multiplication layer to duplicate the input to multi-channels like this figure. (So, the input size M x N and multiplication filter size M x N is same), as illustrated in this figure
I want to add custom initialization value to filter, and also want them to get gradient while training. However, I can't find element-wise filter layer in PyTorch. Can I make it? Or is it just impossible in PyTorch?
Solution 1:
In pytorch you can always implement your own layers, by making them subclasses of nn.Module
. You can also have trainable parameters in your layer, by using nn.Parameter
Possible implementation of such layer might look like
import torch
from torch import nn
class TrainableEltwiseLayer(nn.Module)
def __init__(self, n, h, w):
super(TrainableEltwiseLayer, self).__init__()
self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(1, n, h, w)) # define the trainable parameter
def forward(self, x):
# assuming x is of size b-1-h-w
return x * self.weights # element-wise multiplication
You still need to worry about initializing the weights. look into nn.init
on ways to init weights. Usually one init the weights of all the net prior to training and prior to loading any stored model (so partially trained models can override random init). Something like
model = mymodel(*args, **kwargs) # instantiate a model
for m in model.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
nn.init.normal_( # init for conv layers
if isinstance(m, TrainableEltwiseLayer):
nn.init.constant_(, 1) # init your weights here...