Solution 1:

Create an IDL file for your DLL that describes your exported functions in a moduleclause.

Compile with the MIDL compiler and reference the resulting tlb file from your VB6 project (Project - References).
And remove all Declare Functions.

The tlb file is only used for compilation (in this case), you don't have to include it into the setup.

Solution 2:

Here is a sample IDL that import functions from standard OS dlls

  helpstring ("My Type Library 1.0")
library MyTypeLib

    typedef struct {
        long    Data1;
        short   Data2;
        short   Data3;
        BYTE    Data4[8];
    } VBGUID;

    typedef VBGUID CLSID;

    module OleAut32
        BSTR SysAllocString([in] long lpStr);

    module User32
        UINT RegisterClipboardFormat([in] LPSTR lpszFormat);
        DWORD FillRect([in] DWORD hDC, [in] int lpRect, [in] DWORD hBrush);

    module Strings
        const LPSTR CLSID_DsQuery = "{8A23E65E-31C2-11D0-891C-00A024AB2DBB}";
        const LPSTR CLSID_DsFindObjects = "{83EE3FE1-57D9-11D0-B932-00A024AB2DBB}";