Make a function accepting an optional to accept a non-optional?

Solution 1:

Another version. This one doesn't involve anything:

template <typename T>
void f(T&& t) {
    std::optional opt = std::forward<T>(t);

Class template argument deduction already does the right thing here. If t is an optional, the copy deduction candidate will be preferred and we get the same type back. Otherwise, we wrap it.

Solution 2:

Instead of taking optional as argument take deductible template parameter:

template<class T>
struct is_optional : std::false_type{};

template<class T>
struct is_optional<std::optional<T>> : std::true_type{};

template<class T, class = std::enable_if_t<is_optional<std::decay_t<T>>::value>>
constexpr decltype(auto) to_optional(T &&val){
    return std::forward<T>(val);

template<class T, class = std::enable_if_t<!is_optional<std::decay_t<T>>::value>>
constexpr std::optional<std::decay_t<T>> to_optional(T &&val){
    return { std::forward<T>(val) };

template<class T>
void f(T &&t){
    auto opt = to_optional(std::forward<T>(t));

int main() {

Live example

Solution 3:

This uses one of my favorite type traits, which can check any all-type template against a type to see if it's the template for it.

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <optional>

template<template<class...> class tmpl, typename T>
struct x_is_template_for : public std::false_type {};

template<template<class...> class tmpl, class... Args>
struct x_is_template_for<tmpl, tmpl<Args...>> : public std::true_type {};

template<template<class...> class tmpl, typename... Ts>
using is_template_for = std::conjunction<x_is_template_for<tmpl, std::decay_t<Ts>>...>;

template<template<class...> class tmpl, typename... Ts>
constexpr bool is_template_for_v = is_template_for<tmpl, Ts...>::value;

template <typename T>
void f(T && t) {
    auto optional_t = [&]{
        if constexpr (is_template_for_v<std::optional, T>) {
            return t; 
        } else {
            return std::optional<std::remove_reference_t<T>>(std::forward<T>(t));

int main() {
    int i = 5;
    std::optional<int> oi{5};
