Cannot update/get any packages. gedit not installed

my problem is that my sources.list is out of date for some reason. I already found the fix in another port, but it doesn't work. It says to use gedit to edit sources.list and replace everything with the proper sources. Well, for some reason I don't have it installed (Ubuntu Server 14.04) and I can't install it or else I get the main problem again.

Failed to fetch http:// some ubuntu site Could not resolve hostname ""

Is there any other way to edit sources.list? Or do I need to do a re-install of the OS?

From the terminal type:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  

The instructions for using nano editor are always found at the bottom of every page. The only two nano keyboard shortcuts that you need to know are for WriteOut and Exit. Press the keyboard combination Ctrl+O and after that press Enter to save the file being edited. Press the keyboard combination Ctrl+X to exit nano.

You could also use vim instead of nano, but nano is easier to use.