Correct way of storing API Keys in flutter following best practises

Which is the correct way(best practice) of adding secret API keys in flutter in case I want to push the code on github. I've made a simple app that consumes an API but I used the key in a crud way just to test whether the app is working. Usually from my experience developing applications in the back-end, Keys are stored somewhere and in different file then one would simply import it to the required file that needs the API_KEY and exclude the file in .gitignore file.

So far I have also implemented this approach:

Folder tree



This is where I will add the KEY and specify this file in .gitignore to be excluded from being added in github when I push my code.

  "api_key": "ee4444444a095fc613c5189b2"


import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;

class Secret {
  final String apikey;


  factory Secret.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>jsonMap){
    return new Secret(apikey:jsonMap["api_key"]);

class SecretLoader {
  final String secretPath;

  Future<Secret> load() {
    return rootBundle.loadStructuredData<Secret>(this.secretPath,
            (jsonStr) async {
          final secret = Secret.fromJson(json.decode(jsonStr));
          return secret;


I feel like this approach is too much. I would like to get suggestions of a better approach.

EDIT: Look at J. Saw's comment below.

EDIT 2: The issue in described at the bottom has been fixed in firebase-config 19.0.2.

Use Firebase Remote Config. Inside the Firebase console, inside the menu, scroll down to Grow and then Remote Config. Here you can add a parameter with a value. When you're done don't forget to publish the changes. It's kind of subtle.

enter image description here

Now install firebase_remote_config for Flutter.

After importing everything, you can retrieve your value using this code:

RemoteConfig remoteConfig = await RemoteConfig.instance;
await remoteConfig.fetch(expiration: Duration(hours: 1));
await remoteConfig.activateFetched();


This way, the API key or token is never part of your application.

Note: there is currently an issue where you get a warning stating the application's name is not set, but this won't affect functionality.

For secure storage you have to rely on the corresponding native platforms, both iOs and Android provide a mechanism to securely store keys. You can implement it by yourself and use the flutter channels to obtain and store the keys. Information about this mechanism can be read here:

Android Keystore

iOs KeyChain

Also, you can use this flutter plugin, which uses the services mentioned above and provides a dart object to access the secure storage.