Looking for nouns that describe someone who doesn't ascend/go to heaven

I'm currently looking for nouns that describe someone who won't go to heaven or someone who was given an opportunity to move on but refused.

I'm currently writing a novel that involves fallen angel characters, and I thought it would be cool to give this group a compelling title.

Not all embraced the true faith. The ___________ trod a different path.

Solution 1:

Words that come to mind:

  • heretic: someone who asserts his adherence to the true faith, but who is rejected by true believers for his deviations from it

  • apostate: someone who has forsaken his religion

  • renegade: can be the same as apostate

  • infidel: someone who rejects the true faith

I have specifically chosen several words that are often used pejoratively by those who are convinced their own religion is the only true one, as it seems there characters are to receive a pejorative name in your novel.

Solution 2:

The damned. Discussions around Calvinism and predestination often focus on the division between the elect (the saved or chosen) who are going to heaven and the damned who are not.
