Word starting with pre- meaning "enabled" or "set the foundations for"

The collapse of clear chains of responsibility can be seen as one of the most important factors which pre_______ the company's bankruptcy.

It's not preceded, because that simply means "came before".

But I am looking specifically for a word that means

  • enabled
  • laid the foundations for
  • allowed X to happen
  • set up

With a more negative (or at least neutral) connotation.

I guess this word can appropriately be applied to the constituents of any "perfect storm".

Solution 1:

Words that would fit in your sentence:

Predicted, prepared, presaged, precipitated, predetermined, prefigured

Words that require a (small) change or rearrangement to it:

Precursor, preliminary, prerequisite, predisposed, prelude,

Solution 2:

Precipitated https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/precipitate

to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected:

  • An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.
  • Fear of losing her job precipitated (= suddenly forced) her into action.