QPlainTextEdit::toPlainText() but include newline characters from word wrap

I have a QPlainTextEdit that contains some text. Word wrap is enabled.

When I retrieve the text with toPlainText() the resulting string does not contain the newline characters created from word wrap. This is because those newline characters weren't directly entered by the user.

I would like to retain those newline characters that word wrap created. How does one do this?

For example:

Add QPlainTextEdit widget to the window and fill it with enough text for word wrap to create new lines.

enter image description here

Output that text to file:

QString myText = ui->plainTextEdit->toPlainText();

QFile outputFile("test.txt");

The resulting output is just 1 line. enter image description here

How can I retain the newline characters word wrap simulates?

Solution 1:

I make offer use of QTextEdit instead of QPlainTextEdit, because its easy to access what you want (It does work) :

  • Drag a QTextEdit control on widget
  • Select it, and change lineWrapMode option to FixedColumnWidth (in properties section)
  • Then, set lineWrapColumnOrWidth option to (your arbitrary line length when wrapped e.g. 10)
  • Now fill QTextEdit, So you can see what you expected!

Now try this for get QTextEdit data line by line ("textEdit" is as QTextEdit) :

// QTextEdit content
QString strLines = ui->textEdit->toPlainText();

// line count of QTextEdit
int lineCount = strLines.length() / ui->textEdit->lineWrapColumnOrWidth();
int lineLength = ui->textEdit->lineWrapColumnOrWidth();

for(int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {

    QMessageBox::information(this, "", strLines.mid(i * lineLength, lineLength));

And for splitting real \n You can try :


This statement splits the string whenever any of the newline character.