Does the word "agree" have more than one meaning? [closed]

Suppose the word agree just has the meaning of agreeing with an opinion and to say you agree with that opinion means you have that opinion. Furthermore, suppose that every time somebody says they agree to something, they truthfully mean they have that opinion. Finally, suppose people don't feel forced to have a certain opinion. I will show that a contradiction can be derived from those assumptions and then suggest an alternate way to define things.

Sometimes people sign a form saying they agree to something. Using the first two of the 3 assumptions, we can deduce that they actually have the opinion that what the form is saying is the best way to do things. On the other hand, we know that people have many different opinions so using the third assumption, we can derive that they don't really agree with what they signed that they agree with. Now we can derive the contradiction that they both agree and don't agree with the form.

I know some people say English is flexible. That's probably because they have the opinion that there's nothing wrong with sometimes saying something that isn't literally true to convey a message that's not what the sentence literally means. For example, we could use the word "agree" with another meaning. For example, we could decide that when we sign a form saying we agree, we really mean we promise that we will do what the form said and that doesn't necessarily mean we really have the opinion that what it said is the best way to do things.

Doug Ford is the premier of Ontario and John Tory is the mayor of the capital city of Ontario, Toronto. I once learned, probably by reading the internet, that Mayor Tory and Premier Ford agreed to accept their differences and work together to solve the housing crisis. I suspect they literally said they agreed to accept their differences. If so, could it by that when they said they said they agreed accept their differences, they were using the second meaning of the word "agree" when they actually used the word "agree" in that sentence but were using the first meaning of the word "agree" when they said they accepted their differences. That is, accepting their differences can be thought of as meaning disagreeing with each other using the first meaning of the word "agree". If that is the case, then maybe each of them was disagreeing with the other about some stuff but was like "If I do it a certain way that I agree is better using the first meaning of the word 'agree', the other will destroy my work so there's no point in doing it that way so I promised that I would do it a different way because it's better to do it that way in my opinion because if I do it that way, the other won't destroy my work."

What do you think? I know there is more than one way to define things that some people would have the opinion to define that way. Would it be possible for you to tell me what you think would be different opinions on how people would choose to define things in different contexts?

Respectfully, for the word AGREE the Merriam Webster website offers some seven definitions, several of those having multiple sub-definitions. I hope you'll AGREE to read thoroughly, the contents of the following link: