Is it possible to delete some pages of a pdf document?

How do I remove some pages of a .pdf file? I tried some tips mentioned in different websites, but to no avail.

Solution 1:

You can use command line tools pdftk and qpdf for this purpose. They are available on Windows and linux.

Use scoop to install them easily on Windows:

scoop install pdftk
scoop install qpdf

Here is the example of the code to keep only pages 1-9 and 26-end of the original file input.pdf and save them to outputfile.pdf.:

pdftk example: (taken from here)

pdftk input.pdf cat 1-9 26-end output outputfile.pdf

qpdf example:

qpdf input.pdf --pages . 1-9,26-z -- outputfile.pdf 

Solution 2:

I've used PDF SAM (Split And Merge) ( ) numerous times and it works well.

It's a free Java app, so you will need Java installed. It allows PDFs to be extracted to single pages and then reattached back again.

Solution 3:

You can use any PDF editor, or if you don't want to download/install anything big, use the command-line portable pdftk (PDF Toolkit). Just extract the EXE and DLL to the same directory as your PDF, then from the command prompt use a command similar to the following:

pdftk in.pdf cat 1-12 14-end output out.pdf

This will delete page 13 from the PDF. See the man(ual) and examples pages for more help/options, or just type pdftk --help.

Solution 4:

Another option is to use a PDF printer (e.g. CutePDF ( ) )

"Print" your PDF to another PDF making sure to choose only the pages you want from the print dialog.