How do I restore itunes library onto another computer

I followed all the steps as suggested for backing up and restore iTunes library in the apple support website: but I have problems with the 'choose library' part in the last step. I clicked it and located my iTunes Media folder but all that happened was that it just opened the folder and showed me what I have inside and not restore it.

I'm just echoing the Apple KB article for anyone else who comes across this answer. I have used this process many times when moving or reformatting my computer:

Process for restoring an iTunes library:

  1. Quit iTunes.
  2. Copy your iTunes folder from your external hard drive to whatever location you desire on your internal hard drive.
  3. Open iTunes while holding down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows).
  4. In the resulting dialog, click the Choose Library button. iTunes - choosing another library
  5. Navigate to the new iTunes folder you just copied and locate the iTunes Library.itl file
  6. Click Choose (Mac OS X) or Open (Windows)
  7. iTunes will open and your iTunes Library will be restored.