Recover/Recreate completely missing Mailbox Database

We're in the process of upgrading our servers from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013. During the installation of Exchange 2013 some things went wrong as why it could not be fully installed. It stopped at step 7 of 15 or so. After reinstalling the server and doing a disaster recovery, Exchange 2013 installed successfully (well, 'successfully' till now).

As we configured the new Exchange installation, we discovered that the Mailbox Database was unmounted. We discovered the Mailbox Database files weren't created: there are no transaction logs nor is there an .edb file at the path the database should be stored. I guess this is due to the failed installation which we recovered using Disaster Recovery.

Is there a way to somehow re-create this database, recover it or just completely remove Exchange 2013 from the server and AD so we can just start over again and do it right this time (uninstalling is impossible at the moment cause it thinks there are still mailboxes (Migration Mailbox, that is) being stored in the missing database, which we can't delete cause then it errors out saying the database can't be mounted)?

I would just wipe the server and start over again. Otherwise you're in for a long day (and calls with Microsoft) trying to get Exchange to behave.