Excel "if-then" formula [closed]

Solution 1:

Above is my formula to show only positive numbers above 40 in the given cell. If my hours are ...lets say 35, I do not want a value of -5, I want the cell value to be 0. Why is this not working?

I see no reason for that formula to work. Ensure the value stored in B4 is an integer and not a string. It's possible the order of operations is being mis-interpreted: as written, IF(B4-40<0,0,(B4-40)) may be checking if -40 is less than zero; that being said, I doubt this is the case, as the formula should evaluate the arithmetic operation before the comparison. Try adding additional brackets around the B4-40 term (for conciseness more than anything):

=IF( (B4-40) < 0, 0, (B4-40) )

I've verified that both the above formula, as well as the original, do indeed work properly on both MS Excel 2007 under Windows, as well as Gnumeric under Linux.

Solution 2:

You are missing an = in front of the formula. Without it Excel will interpret it as text.
