Combine two Arrays into Hash

I've got two Arrays:

members     = ["Matt Anderson", "Justin Biltonen", "Jordan Luff", "Jeremy London"]
instruments = ["guitar, vocals", "guitar", "bass", "drums"]

What I would like to do is combine these so that the resulting data structure is a Hash like so:

{"Matt Anderson"=>["guitar", "vocals"], "Justin Biltonen"=>"guitar", "Jordan Luff"=>"bass", "Jeremy London"=>"drums"}

Note the value for "Matt Anderson" is now an Array instead of a string. Any Ruby wizards care to give this a shot?

I know Hash[*] combines them almost the way I want, but what about turning the "guitars, vocals" string into an array first? Thanks.

As Rafe Kettler posted, using zip is the way to go.


Use map and split to convert the instrument strings into arrays: {|i| i.include?(',') ? (i.split /, /) : i}

Then use Hash[] and zip to combine members with instruments:

Hash[ {|i| i.include?(',') ? (i.split /, /) : i})]

to get

{"Jeremy London"=>"drums",
 "Matt Anderson"=>["guitar", "vocals"],
 "Jordan Luff"=>"bass",
 "Justin Biltonen"=>"guitar"}

If you don't care if the single-item lists are also arrays, you can use this simpler solution:

Hash[ {|i| i.split /, /})]

which gives you this:

{"Jeremy London"=>["drums"],
 "Matt Anderson"=>["guitar", "vocals"],
 "Jordan Luff"=>["bass"],
 "Justin Biltonen"=>["guitar"]}

Example 01

k = ['a', 'b', 'c']
v = ['aa', 'bb']
h = {} { |a,b| h[a.to_sym] = b } 
# => nil

p h 
# => {:a=>"aa", :b=>"bb", :c=>nil}

Example 02

k = ['a', 'b', 'c']
v = ['aa', 'bb', ['aaa','bbb']]
h = {} { |a,b| h[a.to_sym] = b }
p h 
# => {:a=>"aa", :b=>"bb", :c=>["aaa", "bbb"]}

This is the best and cleanest way to do what you want.

Hash[{|i| i.include?(',') ? i.split(',') : i})]
