How to break ForEach Loop in TypeScript

Solution 1: is not operator. Typescript allows much more readable code.

Use for loop in style as follows:

for(let a of {
   if(something_wrong) break;

p.s. forget "coding as with jQuery" in Angular. It just don't work.

Solution 2:

It is not possible to break from forEach() normally.

Alternatively you can use Array.every() because you wish to return false while breaking the loop.

If you want to return true, then you can use Array.some() => {

  const _fo = this.isEmptyOrNull(element.ratings.finalOutcome.finaloutlook);
  const _foreign = this.isEmptyOrNull(element.ratings.finalOutcome.foreign);
  const _local = this.isEmptyOrNull(element.ratings.finalOutcome.local);
  const _tally = element.ratings.finalOutcome.voteTally.maj + element.ratings.finalOutcome.voteTally.dis;

  if (_fo == false && _foreign == false && _local == false) {
    if (_tally > 0) {
      **return count = false;**
  } else {
    if (_tally < 0) {
      **return count = false;**

Solution 3:

You cannot ‘break’, it won’t even run because the break instruction is not technically in a loop. Solution? Just use a normal for loop. Nobody would laugh at you.