Microsoft Access condense multiple lines in a table
Solution 1:
Typically you have to write a function that will allow you to create a concatenated list. Here's what I've used:.
Public Function GetList(SQL As String _
, Optional ColumnDelimeter As String = ", " _
, Optional RowDelimeter As String = vbCrLf) As String
'PURPOSE: to return a combined string from the passed query
' 1. SQL is a valid Select statement
' 2. ColumnDelimiter is the character(s) that separate each column
' 3. RowDelimiter is the character(s) that separate each row
'RETURN VAL: Concatenated list
'EXAMPLE CALL: =GetList("Select Col1,Col2 From Table1 Where Table1.Key = " & OuterTable.Key)
Const PROCNAME = "GetList"
Const adClipString = 2
Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sResult As String
On Error GoTo ProcErr
Set oConn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set oRS = oConn.Execute(SQL)
sResult = oRS.GetString(adClipString, -1, ColumnDelimeter, RowDelimeter)
If Right(sResult, Len(RowDelimeter)) = RowDelimeter Then
sResult = Mid$(sResult, 1, Len(sResult) - Len(RowDelimeter))
End If
GetList = sResult
Set oRS = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
Exit Function
' insert error handler
Resume CleanUp
End Function
Remou's version has the added feature that you can pass an array of values instead of a SQL statement.
Sample query might look like:
SELECT SourceTable.Name
, GetList("Select Day From SourceTable As T1 Where T1.Name = """ & [SourceTable].[Name] & """","",", ") AS Expr1
FROM SourceTable
GROUP BY SourceTable.Name;
Solution 2:
Here is a simple solution that does not require VBA. It uses an update query to concatenate values onto a field.
I'll show it with the example I am using.
I have a table "emails_by_team" that has two fields "team_id" and "email_formatted". What I want is to collect all emails for a given team in one string.
1) I create a table "team_more_info" that has two fields: "team_id" and "team_emails"
2) populate "team_more_info" with all "team_id" from "emails_by_team"
3) create an update query that sets "emails_by_team" to NULL
Query name: team_email_collection_clear
UPDATE team_more_info
SET team_more_info.team_emails = Null;
4) This is the trick here: create an update a query
Query name: team_email_collection_update
UPDATE team_more_info INNER JOIN emails_by_team
ON team_more_info.team_id = emails_by_team.team_id
SET team_more_info.team_emails =
IIf(IsNull([team_emails]),[email_formatted],[team_emails] & "; " & [email_formatted]);
5) to keep the info up-to-date create a macro that runs the two queries whenever needed
First: team_email_collection_clear
Second: team_email_collection_update
Solution 3:
Since this is just a small range of options, another approach with no VBA would be to set up a series of IIF statements and concatenate the results.
SELECT name,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Monday",1,0)) >0, "Monday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Tuesday",1,0)) >0, "Tuesday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Wednesday",1,0)) >0, "Wednesday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Thursday",1,0)) >0, "Thursday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Friday",1,0)) >0, "Friday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Saturday",1,0)) >0, "Saturday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Sunday",1,0)) >0, "Sunday, ") AS AllDays
FROM Table1
If you a perfectionist, you could even get rid of the last comma like this
SELECT name,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Monday",1,0)) >0, "Monday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Tuesday",1,0)) >0, "Tuesday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Wednesday",1,0)) >0, "Wednesday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Thursday",1,0)) >0, "Thursday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Friday",1,0)) >0, "Friday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Saturday",1,0)) >0, "Saturday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Sunday",1,0)) >0, "Sunday, "),
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Monday",1,0)) >0, "Monday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Tuesday",1,0)) >0, "Tuesday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Wednesday",1,0)) >0, "Wednesday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Thursday",1,0)) >0, "Thursday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Friday",1,0)) >0, "Friday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Saturday",1,0)) >0, "Saturday, ") &
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Sunday",1,0)) >0, "Sunday, ")
) - 2
AS AllDays
FROM Table1
You may also consider keeping them in separate columns, as this may prove more useful if accessing this query from another. For instance, finding only instances with a Tuesday would be easier this way. Something like:
SELECT name,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Monday",1,0)) >0, "Monday") AS Monday,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Tuesday",1,0)) >0, "Tuesday") AS Tuesday,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Wednesday",1,0)) >0, "Wednesday") AS Wednesday,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Thursday",1,0)) >0, "Thursday") AS Thursday,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Friday",1,0)) >0, "Friday") AS Friday,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Saturday",1,0)) >0, "Saturday") AS Saturday,
IIF(SUM(IIF(day = "Sunday",1,0)) >0, "Sunday") AS Sunday
FROM Table1