Create a shortcut for application on Google Chrome for MacOSX

Google Chrome on Windows comes with a very usefull feature allowing the user to Create application shortcuts from the settings menu:

Unfortunately there is not such feature on Google Chrome for MacOSX. Is there a trick to enable this feature? An hidden menu? Is it on the developpement list?

Solution 1:


Applicationize is an open-source, free service I built that replicates the "Create Application Shortcuts" behavior on Mac by generating a Chrome Extension of your favorite website on-the-fly that opens in its own window with its own dock icon!

Solution 2:

Here is a little more simpler method using createGcApp application.

In addition to giving it a much more familiar interface, it also fixes some of the bugs in the previous script such as those preventing spaces in application names. The usage of the new version of the tool should be pretty straight forward. Start by downloading the .dmg, and opening the image. Inside, you should find a readme file, a script called createGcApp, and the source folder. Double-clicking the script will prompt you with questions about name, url, and icon for the application shortcut (make sure it's a square if you include an icon). The resulting file will then be saved to the /Applications folder. Thanks so much to Mait for sharing this much easier version.

Screenshot for how it looks:

enter image description here