Key combination to switch between an application's windows in all of viewports

Alt-` is used to switch between an application's windows in the current viewport in Unity.

Is there another key combination to switch between an application's windows in all of viewports?

I do not want to change default behaviour of Alt-`, which is switching between an application's windows in the current viewport.

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and Unity.

Solution 1:

Inspired by Pineau's answer, I found a dirty trick to get it done: keep Alt+` for switching between application windows in one viewport, and (for example) Alt+1 to switch between application windows on all viewports.

Minor cosmetic downside is that the responsiveness is a little less accurate, since the settings need a fraction of a second to change. In Practice however, you will hardly notice.

  1. install xdotool:

    sudo apt-get install xdotool
  2. Copy the following scipt into an empty file and save it as

    dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport false
    sleep 0.2
    xdotool keydown alt key 0x60
    dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport true
    sleep 1
  3. set a key combination to run the script: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts. I choose Alt+1, since it is close to the other one.

    Now you can use either Alt+1 to switch between all windows of (for example) gedit:

    enter image description here

    or Alt+` to switch between gedit windows of only the currect workspace:

    enter image description here


  1. In the script, the key above the Tab is set to key 0x60. This might be different on other lauyouts. In case it won't work, run in a terminal xev, then press Return, then the key above tab. In the output, look for a string like (keysym 0x60, grave). The keysym value is the value you need in the (script-) line:

    xdotool keydown alt key 0x60
  2. The values of sleep 0.2 and sleep 1 make the script work fine on my system, but they might be subject to optimization for faster systems (reduce).

More options

Similarly, you can set a key combination to switch between all application windows on all viewports the script would then be:


dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport false
sleep 0.2
xdotool keydown alt key 0xff09
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport true
sleep 1

If you set for example Alt+Q for this, you have nice set of all options:

Alt+` Switch between current application's windows on current viewport

Alt+1 Switch between current application's windows on all viewports

Alt+Tab Switch between all application windows on current viewport

Alt+Q Switch between all application windows on all viewports

enter image description here

Alt+Tab : Switch between all application windows on current viewport

enter image description here

Alt+Q: Switch between all application windows on all viewports

Solution 2:

Generic solution using wmctrl


The following script should be compatible with all EWMH-compliant window managers (e.g. xfwm4, openbox, kwin, compiz...). It uses wmctrl and xprop, which can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install x11-utils wmctrl


Copy and save the following passage as simple-window-switcher:


# based on a script by Robert Steiniger
# (

  Title:        simple-window-switcher 0.1
  Description:  switch between all windows of active application
  Author:       Copyright Glutanimate 2014 (
  License:      GNU GPLv3
  Usage:        $(basename "$0") [-g|-l|-h]
                -g: global window switching (across all workspaces)
                -l: local window switching (current workspace)
                -h: display this help message

                If no argument is provided window switching will be set to global.

while getopts "lgh" OPTIONS; do
  case $OPTIONS in
    l ) Fields="3-4"
    g ) Fields="4"
    h ) echo "$Usage"
        exit 0
   \? ) echo "$Usage"
        exit 1

ActiveWinID="$(xprop -root | sed -n 's/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x//p')"
# fields 3-4: <desktop number> <window class>
ActiveWinClass="$(wmctrl -xl | grep "$ActiveWinID" | cut -d" " -f${Fields})"
WindowList="$(wmctrl -xl | grep "$ActiveWinClass" | cut -d" " -f1)"
NextWindow="$(echo "$WindowList" | grep -A1 "$ActiveWinID" | sed -n 2p)"

if [[ -z "$NextWindow" ]]; then
  NextWindow="$(echo $WindowList | head -n 1)"

wmctrl -i -a "$NextWindow"

Mark the script as executable and save it anywhere you please (preferably in your PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin or ~/bin).


Use they keyboard shortcuts menu of your window manager to assign simple-window-switcher to a hotkey of your choice. You can use the following parameters to control how the script behaves:

  • -g: global window switching (across all workspaces)
  • -l: local window switching (current workspace); might not work with Unity/Compiz (see comment section for further information)

Solution 3:

Open a Terminal and type the following command:

dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport false

Alternatively you can install the Unity Tweak Tool:

sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool

Then enable the Switch between windows on all workspaces option in the Switcher Tab:

enter image description here