Key combination to switch between an application's windows in all of viewports
Alt-` is used to switch between an application's windows in the current viewport in Unity.
Is there another key combination to switch between an application's windows in all of viewports?
I do not want to change default behaviour of Alt-`, which is switching between an application's windows in the current viewport.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and Unity.
Solution 1:
Inspired by Pineau's answer, I found a dirty trick to get it done: keep Alt+` for switching between application windows in one viewport, and (for example) Alt+1 to switch between application windows on all viewports.
Minor cosmetic downside is that the responsiveness is a little less accurate, since the settings need a fraction of a second to change. In Practice however, you will hardly notice.
:sudo apt-get install xdotool
Copy the following scipt into an empty file and save it as
#!/bin/bash dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport false sleep 0.2 xdotool keydown alt key 0x60 dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport true sleep 1
set a key combination to run the script:
System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts
. I choose Alt+1, since it is close to the other one.Now you can use either Alt+1 to switch between all windows of (for example) gedit:
or Alt+` to switch between gedit windows of only the currect workspace:
In the script, the key above the Tab is set to
key 0x60
. This might be different on other lauyouts. In case it won't work, run in a terminalxev
, then press Return, then the key above tab. In the output, look for a string like(keysym 0x60, grave)
. The keysym value is the value you need in the (script-) line:xdotool keydown alt key 0x60
The values of
sleep 0.2
andsleep 1
make the script work fine on my system, but they might be subject to optimization for faster systems (reduce).
More options
Similarly, you can set a key combination to switch between all application windows on all viewports the script would then be:
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport false
sleep 0.2
xdotool keydown alt key 0xff09
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport true
sleep 1
If you set for example Alt+Q for this, you have nice set of all options:
Alt+` Switch between current application's windows on current viewport
Alt+1 Switch between current application's windows on all viewports
Alt+Tab Switch between all application windows on current viewport
Alt+Q Switch between all application windows on all viewports
Alt+Tab : Switch between all application windows on current viewport
Alt+Q: Switch between all application windows on all viewports
Solution 2:
Generic solution using wmctrl
The following script should be compatible with all EWMH-compliant window managers (e.g. xfwm4, openbox, kwin, compiz...). It uses wmctrl
and xprop
, which can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install x11-utils wmctrl
Copy and save the following passage as simple-window-switcher
# based on a script by Robert Steiniger
# (
Title: simple-window-switcher 0.1
Description: switch between all windows of active application
Author: Copyright Glutanimate 2014 (
License: GNU GPLv3
Usage: $(basename "$0") [-g|-l|-h]
-g: global window switching (across all workspaces)
-l: local window switching (current workspace)
-h: display this help message
If no argument is provided window switching will be set to global.
while getopts "lgh" OPTIONS; do
case $OPTIONS in
l ) Fields="3-4"
g ) Fields="4"
h ) echo "$Usage"
exit 0
\? ) echo "$Usage"
exit 1
ActiveWinID="$(xprop -root | sed -n 's/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x//p')"
# fields 3-4: <desktop number> <window class>
ActiveWinClass="$(wmctrl -xl | grep "$ActiveWinID" | cut -d" " -f${Fields})"
WindowList="$(wmctrl -xl | grep "$ActiveWinClass" | cut -d" " -f1)"
NextWindow="$(echo "$WindowList" | grep -A1 "$ActiveWinID" | sed -n 2p)"
if [[ -z "$NextWindow" ]]; then
NextWindow="$(echo $WindowList | head -n 1)"
wmctrl -i -a "$NextWindow"
Mark the script as executable and save it anywhere you please (preferably in your PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin
or ~/bin
Use they keyboard shortcuts menu of your window manager to assign simple-window-switcher
to a hotkey of your choice. You can use the following parameters to control how the script behaves:
: global window switching (across all workspaces) -
: local window switching (current workspace); might not work with Unity/Compiz (see comment section for further information)
Solution 3:
Open a Terminal and type the following command:
dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/alt-tab-bias-viewport false
Alternatively you can install the Unity Tweak Tool:
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
Then enable the Switch between windows on all workspaces option in the Switcher Tab: