Does the barking of a dog diminish the value of a priest? [duplicate]

Does a barking of a dog diminish the value of a priest?

The above is an Idiom from Indian languages.A dog stands metophorically for the inferior people.The priest stands for the people who are intellectually and spiritually great.The meaning of the idiom is that the profane people never diminish the greatness and holiness of great people simply by mocking at them

What is the equal idiom in English apart from the saying of the Egyptians.

"A profane person might be tempted to violate the tomb"

Edit : My question is not a duplicate because the idiom is different from other idioms : it is the tendency of a dog to bark at a thief or at a priest . It can not distinguish between good and bad.Every new person seems to be a thief to a dog.So great people are great people even if the inferior people do not recognise them or mock at them.The distance between the great and the profane is always too long

A contemporary idiom with a similar sense is haters gonna hate. (NB I originally thought it was haters gotta hate, and probably both have some currency).

The phrase implies that criticism says more about the critic, or "hater," than the person being criticized, i.e., that they are making judgements out of jealousy or their own negativity.