Is it possible to assert if a function is an empty function in jest?

I have a generic input component like this:

class GenericInputComponent extends React.Component {
   constructor (props) {

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

  handleChange (evt) {

  render () {
    return (<Something />)

GenericComponent.defaultProps = {
  onChange: () => {}

For this component one of my tests is testing if component is using the default props:

it('should use default props', function () {
   delete props.onChange // Before this the onChange was jest.fn()


   rendered = shallow(<Input {...props} />)

   let onChange = () => {}


The test fails on the following line:


and gives this error:

Expected value to equal:
      [Function onChange]
      [Function onChange]


    Compared values have no visual difference.

From what I see it should be passing but it is not. Why? And is it possible to assert if the function that's being used is an empty function?

Moreover, if I try to spy on the function like this:

let onChangeSpy = jest.spyOn(rendered.instance().props, 'onChange')

I get this error:

`TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'onChange' of object '[object Object]'`

FYI, I am using shallow rendering for the test.

So is it possible to assert on an empty function? Also, this is the only thing keeping coverage from having a 100% coverage unfortunately.

This is expected because a function is an object, and objects are compared by references in JavaScript:

(() => {}) !== (() => {})

The method could be tested if it's empty by asserting onChange.toString(). But what should be tested here is that onChange is not just some empty function but a prop that was set by default. I.e. it should be:


The function can be optionally tested if it's empty:
