Saying for trying to do everything with a one-size-fits-all tool (and doing none of it well as a result)

I'm trying to come up with a saying to express when one tool or solution is being used for multiple purposes in a situation that really calls for two separate approaches, and not doing a great job at any of them as a result. I feel like this exists but it's on the tip of my brain and driving me crazy. Anyone know what I might be thinking of?

Solution 1:

When talking about a person (as opposed to a tool), I use the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none".

However, I can't think of an equivalent expression when referring to a tool. I have heard "Swiss Army Knife" being used to describe the concept. I've also personally used the word "compromise" (as in "that system is one big compromise"), but that's not common and may be slightly different in connotation.

Solution 2:

If Your Only Tool Is a Hammer Then Every Problem Looks Like a Nail

Attributed to just about everyone according to Quote Investigator. I have heard versions of this for a variety of different tools.

The quote implies using the same tool for many jobs, even when this is not going to get the best results. It's not a nail and it only looks like one because you are already intending to use your hammer.