"Length" being the longer dimension

I recently came across the definition for length - Merriam-Webster defines it as

the longer or longest dimension of an object

(other dictionaries have similar definitions).

This is not how I think I use it, and I'm wondering if I'm in the minority. To me, 'length' refers to the more natural dimension and 'width' to the less natural dimension. If the object has a natural up orientation, that dimension is usually 'height' and the others are 'length' and 'width'.

For example, a squat cylinder, if not placed flat on the ground, would be short (its length would be small) and wide (its width would be great). Also, a chair with enormous armrests but only seating space for one person might not be long but it could be very wide.

Is this definition of length wrong or incomplete or am I using 'length' in an unusual manner? Obviously, I don't expect Merriam-Webster to change the definition - it should be both correct and simple, and my definition might be complex.

Solution 1:

Yes, you have a point. I note that the definition provided in the Cambridge English online dictionary is similar.

the measurement of something from end to end or along its longest side:

It is difficult to provide an ideal definition that covers all circumstances. In geometry, for example, in its purest form, length is a property of a line - any line. So we can describe lines in terms their two ends. So a rectangle, ABCD can be described as having parallel lines, AB and CD, of equal length and parallel lines, AD and BC of equal length and at right angles to AB and CD. There is no need for a reference to width.

In the case of of triangles, all three lines have a 'length', as do the sides of any other polygon.

However, when it comes to area you will often encounter length by breadth/width. And volume is often referred to as length times breadth times height. Height is referred to in triangles, when the area is calculated as length times vertical height.

I think the Merriam and Cambridge idea of length of a two-dimensional object as the longer or longest sides. But essentially what we are concerned with, not mentioned in the dictionaries I have checked, is orientation, though I have not found that word used

And this seems to be the point you are making, in speaking of an extremely wide armchair. We (most of us) do think of that as wide rather than long. In the end, it comes down to how we 'stand' to the thing described. And the language used varies considerably. For example, for furniture, when speaking of cabinetry, specifications tend to speak of width, depth (front to back) and height. We face them; they are against a wall, so that there is a sense of width rather than breadth or length.

Nevertheless, there is some truth in saying that of, say, a table, the length is (are) its longer side(s) and the width/breadth is (are) the shorter.