How to kill a child process after a given timeout in Bash?
Solution 1:
(As seen in: BASH FAQ entry #68: "How do I run a command, and have it abort (timeout) after N seconds?")
If you don't mind downloading something, use timeout
(sudo apt-get install timeout
) and use it like: (most Systems have it already installed otherwise use sudo apt-get install coreutils
timeout 10 ping
If you don't want to download something, do what timeout does internally:
( cmdpid=$BASHPID; (sleep 10; kill $cmdpid) & exec ping )
In case that you want to do a timeout for longer bash code, use the second option as such:
( cmdpid=$BASHPID;
(sleep 10; kill $cmdpid) \
& while ! ping -w 1
echo crap;
done )
Solution 2:
# Spawn a child process:
(dosmth) & pid=$!
# in the background, sleep for 10 secs then kill that process
(sleep 10 && kill -9 $pid) &
or to get the exit codes as well:
# Spawn a child process:
(dosmth) & pid=$!
# in the background, sleep for 10 secs then kill that process
(sleep 10 && kill -9 $pid) & waiter=$!
# wait on our worker process and return the exitcode
exitcode=$(wait $pid && echo $?)
# kill the waiter subshell, if it still runs
kill -9 $waiter 2>/dev/null
# 0 if we killed the waiter, cause that means the process finished before the waiter
Solution 3:
sleep 999&
sleep 10
kill $t