"Bake" an SVG image into a PNG at a given resolution? [closed]

I'm on Linux and I'd like to take an SVG file and bake it into a PNG file at a given resolution (scaling). Is there a way to do this quickly and effectively from the command line?

I'm looking for something like this:

svg2png --width 128 --height 128 input.svg output.png

Is there a tool for this?

Use ImageMagick's convert:

convert -resize 128x128 input.svg output.png

If the input canvas size is less than the given size, this will up-scale the output without re-sampling. To get a higher quality result, add -density parameter:

convert -density 500 -resize 128x128 input.svg output.png

ImageMagick rasters vector images to their canvas resolution to a default density of 72 dpi.
To up-scale with proper sampling, you could specify an over high value, like 500 dpi in above sample.

Using a too high raster density can be a performance issue with large size canvas. The lowest and ideal raster density is: raster_density = raster_size / original_size * original_density

This ideal raster density will output image directly to the expected size (no -resize needed). But as float number approximations may occur, a slightly higher value and a resize are recommended for pixel-perfect result.

You can get original size and density using ImageMagick's percent escapes:

 convert input.svg -format "%w %h %[resolution.x] %[resolution.y]" info:

Note that ImageMagick doesn't handle the complete specifications of SVG. If having trouble with shapes rendered incorrectly, look at this thread about selecting ImageMagick SVG renderer.

Both rsvg and inkscape can:

$ rsvg
Usage: rsvg [OPTIONS...] file.svg file.png
  -d, --dpi-x=<float>          pixels per inch
  -p, --dpi-y=<float>          pixels per inch
  -x, --x-zoom=<float>         x zoom factor
  -y, --y-zoom=<float>         y zoom factor
  -w, --width=<int>            width
  -h, --height=<int>           height
  -q, --quality=<int>          JPEG quality
  -f, --format=[png, jpeg]     save format
  -v, --version                show version information

Help options:
  -?, --help                   Show this help message
  --usage                      Display brief usage message


$ inkscape --help
Usage: inkscape [OPTIONS...] [FILE...]

Available options:
  -V, --version                             Print the Inkscape version number
  -z, --without-gui                         Do not use X server (only process
                                            files from console)
  -g, --with-gui                            Try to use X server (even if
                                            $DISPLAY is not set)
  -f, --file=FILENAME                       Open specified document(s) (option
                                            string may be excluded)
  -p, --print=FILENAME                      Print document(s) to specified
                                            output file (use '| program' for
  -e, --export-png=FILENAME                 Export document to a PNG file
  -d, --export-dpi=DPI                      The resolution used for exporting
                                            SVG into bitmap (default 90)
  -a, --export-area=x0:y0:x1:y1             Exported area in SVG user units
                                            (default is the canvas; 0,0 is
                                            lower-left corner)
  -D, --export-area-drawing                 Exported area is the entire
                                            drawing (not canvas)
  -C, --export-area-canvas                  Exported area is the entire canvas
      --export-area-snap                    Snap the bitmap export area
                                            outwards to the nearest integer
                                            values (in SVG user units)
  -w, --export-width=WIDTH                  The width of exported bitmap in
                                            pixels (overrides export-dpi)
  -h, --export-height=HEIGHT                The height of exported bitmap in
                                            pixels (overrides export-dpi)
  -i, --export-id=ID                        The ID of the object to export
  -j, --export-id-only                      Export just the object with
                                            export-id, hide all others (only
                                            with export-id)
  -t, --export-use-hints                    Use stored filename and DPI hints
                                            when exporting (only with
  -b, --export-background=COLOR             Background color of exported
                                            bitmap (any SVG-supported color
  -y, --export-background-opacity=VALUE     Background opacity of exported
                                            bitmap (either 0.0 to 1.0, or 1 to
  -l, --export-plain-svg=FILENAME           Export document to plain SVG file
                                            (no sodipodi or inkscape
  -P, --export-ps=FILENAME                  Export document to a PS file
  -E, --export-eps=FILENAME                 Export document to an EPS file
  -A, --export-pdf=FILENAME                 Export document to a PDF file
  -T, --export-text-to-path                 Convert text object to paths on
                                            export (EPS)
  -F, --export-embed-fonts                  Embed fonts on export (Type 1
                                            only) (EPS)
  -B, --export-bbox-page                    Export files with the bounding box
                                            set to the page size (EPS)
  -X, --query-x                             Query the X coordinate of the
                                            drawing or, if specified, of the
                                            object with --query-id
  -Y, --query-y                             Query the Y coordinate of the
                                            drawing or, if specified, of the
                                            object with --query-id
  -W, --query-width                         Query the width of the drawing or,
                                            if specified, of the object with
  -H, --query-height                        Query the height of the drawing
                                            or, if specified, of the object
                                            with --query-id
  -S, --query-all                           List id,x,y,w,h for all objects
  -I, --query-id=ID                         The ID of the object whose
                                            dimensions are queried
  -x, --extension-directory                 Print out the extension directory
                                            and exit
      --vacuum-defs                         Remove unused definitions from the
                                            defs section(s) of the document
      --verb-list                           List the IDs of all the verbs in
      --verb=VERB-ID                        Verb to call when Inkscape opens.
      --select=OBJECT-ID                    Object ID to select when Inkscape

Help options:
  -?, --help                                Show this help message
      --usage                               Display brief usage message