Laravel 'Route Not Defined' when route is clearly defined

I'm remaking the registration for my site, and have made a form that takes e-mail, password etc:

<form method="POST" class="etc" action="{{ route('register/blade/create') }}">

Then of course, my submit button in the form submits it and from routes in web.php:

Route::post('/register/basic/create', 'RegisterController@create');

However, every time I load this page, I get the following error:

enter image description here

I tried following others who had similar problems that posted on stack overflow, creating a named route, but that didn't seem to do the trick either. Any help is appreciated.

Solution 1:

When you use named route route then you have to specify routes name in your routes/web.php file. Like this


Route::post('/register/basic/create', 'RegisterController@create')->name('register');

In blade file

<form method="POST" class="etc" action="{{ route('register') }}">

Check details here

Solution 2:

Sometimes the above error occurs when you have two routes with the same uri but different callbacks and different route name

For example



The above routes update different resources but it will still return an error Route update_permission not defined or Route update_role not defined.

So the best thing to do is to use a different uri in each route so as to prevent conflict like this



Solution 3:

If still it is not working and you checked every thing carefully then there is a possibility that you cashed the route so clear route cashe

php artisan route:clear