Need to add space between SubPlots for X axis label, maybe remove labelling of axis notches

Solution 1:

Use subplots_adjust. In your case this looks good:


to remove the tick labels do this:


Similar for the yticklabels. However, you cannot share the x-axis with the plots that do have tick labels.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

To change the spacing around a certain subplot, instead of all of them, you can adjust the position of the axes of that subplot using:

plt.gca().set_position([bbox.x0, bbox.y0 + offset, bbox.x1-bbox.x0, bbox.y1 - bbox.y0])

If offset < 0, the subplot is moved down. If offset > 0, the subplot is moved up.

Note that the subplot will disappear if offset is so big that the new position of the subplot overlaps with another subplot.