How to see, which key is pressed, as seen by unity window manager?

After a system crash, the shortcuts I use for switching the workplaces with Mod_3 modifier (e.g. Mod_3 + Left to switch workplace left) ceased to work.

I use the following .Xmodmap script:

remove control = Control_R
clear mod3
add mod3 = Control_R

loaded with xmodmap .Xmodmap.

The Control_R key is working properly, as reported by xev. But xev is too much "low level" - it shows physical keys pressed.

I need something that allow me to verify that pressing "right control" together with "left arrow" is seen as Mod3+Left to the unity.

Something, that could replace the partially broken All Settings->Keyboard window (it was never compatible with the Mod3 compose key).

enter image description here


It appeared, that the shortucts were disabled because the Desktop Wall compiz plugin was disabled. Enabling it brought back the functionality. Nevertheless the question stands valid and unanswered.

Try one of these maybe, they don't seem to have a problem with mod3 (which they display as Hyper)

  • easystroke

    run twice to show UI, add action, click command and change to key, then it'll grab and show next keystroke.

  • compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm)

    for example navigate to general options -> keybindings and change one of them, then grab key combination.