What's different about my bed in the College of Winterhold?

When I sleep at my home in Whiterun, or in a purchased bed at an inn, I get the Well Rested buff.(10% to skill increases)

When I sleep in a bed out in the wilderness I only get a Rested Buff.(5% to skill increases)

When I sleep in either of my beds at the College of Winterhold, the Apprentice Bed OR the Arch-Mage Bed, I only get the Rested Buff.

I would assume that since I own the beds at the college and not the beds in the wilderness, that the buffs from them would be different. What determines which buff I get?


5% skilling bonus for 8 hours.

  • Beds in the wild.
  • Owned beds you were given permission to use.

Well Rested

10% skilling bonus for 8 hours.

  • Rented beds.
  • Own beds.

Lover's Comfort

15% skilling bonus for 8 hours

  • Beds in the house your spouse resides.