What is an idiom, phrase or expression for situation such as "throw a pigeon among cats"

Normally there is a idiom "throw a cat among pigeons" but what is being inquired here is "throwing a pigeon among cats" where cats are predator and pigeon is the prey and pigeon is trapped between the predator cats who are out to get at the drop of a hat.

Typically, an example of this would be a employee (the pigeon) working for more than 1 tyrant boss (predator) ideally for more than 4-5 toxic tyrant bosses (predators) helicoptering you, ripping you off of your negligible mistake, etc..

PS: Basically the boss here can be empty suit freeloaders

If someone is sacrificing the employee in order to satisfy the other tyrant bosses, then perhaps

Throw someone to the wolves

Fig. to sacrifice someone to save the rest; to abandon someone to harm. (Fig. on the image of giving one person to the wolves to eat so the rest can get away.)

The Free Dictionary


Throw to the lions:

Figuratively, to be thrown to the lions is to be placed in a difficult situation for which one is completely unprepared: “To put that new teacher in front of those unruly students is to throw her to the lions.”


During Roman persecutions Christians were thrown to the lions in the Colosseum.


The more modern version of this sentiment is

to throw someone under the bus.

As The Free Dictionary notes, it means

  1. To exploit someone's trust for one's own purpose, gain, or agenda; to harm someone through deceit or treachery.
    Senator Davis was supposed to be working with me to bridge the gap between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of gun control, but, instead, she threw me under the bus to get a boost in the polls with her constituency.
    The investment company threw its clients under the bus when it chose to redirect their hard earned money into various Ponzi schemes that benefited only a few board members at the top.
  2. To avoid blame, trouble, or criticism by allowing someone else to take responsibility.
    Tommy was caught with the marijuana in his backpack, but he threw me under the bus and said it belonged to me.
    Our manager never hesitates to throw an underling under the bus when something goes wrong in the office.

That last example seems like it would go very well with your description.