From the mysql console:

mysql> use DATABASE_NAME;

mysql> source path/to/file.sql;

make sure there is no slash before path if you are referring to a relative path... it took me a while to realize that! lol

Finally, i solved the problem. I placed the `nitm.sql` file in `bin` file of the `mysql` folder and used the following syntax.

C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.0.51b\bin>mysql -u root nitm < nitm.sql

And this worked.

If you are using wamp you can try this. Just type use your_Database_name first.

  1. Click your wamp server icon then look for MYSQL > MSQL Console then run it.

  2. If you dont have password, just hit enter and type :

    mysql> use database_name;
    mysql> source location_of_your_file;

    If you have password, you will promt to enter a password. Enter you password first then type:

    mysql> use database_name;
    mysql> source location_of_your_file;

location_of_your_file should look like C:\mydb.sql

so the commend is mysql>source C:\mydb.sql;

This kind of importing sql dump is very helpful for BIG SQL FILE.

I copied my file mydb.sq to directory C: .It should be capital C: in order to run

and that's it.

In windows, if the above suggestion gives you an error (file not found or unknown db) you may want to double the forward slashes:

In the mysql console:

mysql> use DATABASE_NAME;

mysql> source C://path//to//file.sql;

Ok so, I'm using Linux but I think this holds true for Windows too. You can do this either directly from the command prompt

> mysql -u <user name> -p<password> <database name> < sqlfilename.sql

Or from within the mysql prompt, you can use:

mysql>source sqlfilename.sql

But both these approaches have their own benefits in the results they display. In the first approach, the script exits as soon as it encounters an error. And the better part, is that it tells you the exact line number in the source file where the error occurred. However, it ONLY displays errors. If it didn't encounter any errors, the scripts displays NOTHING. Which can be a little unnerving. Because you're most often running a script with a whole pile of commands.

Now second approach (from within the mysql prompt) has the benefit that it displays a message for every different MySQL command in the script. If it encounters errors, it displays the mysql error message but continues on through the scripts. This can be good, because you can then go back and fix all the errors before you run the script again. The downside is that it does NOT display the line numbers in the script where the errors were encountered. This can be a bit of a pain. But the error messages are as descriptive so you could probably figure out where the problem is.

I, for one, prefer the directly-from-OS-command line approach.