Add a submenu to the start menu in Windows 7

How can I add a submenu to the start menu in Windows 7?

In the right-click menu on a shortcut under “All Programs”, there is a “Pin to Start Menu” entry. That's exactly what I want, but it only appears for shortcuts, not for folders. It can be made to appear for folders, but what it creates in the start menu is a shortcut to open the folder in Explorer, and not a submenu.

I know how to do it in Windows XP: create a directory under the Start directory in my profile. Windows 7 has a similar-looking directory in AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu under my profile. But if I add a directory there under Windows 7, it shows up in the “All Programs” submenu and not in the start menu itself!

So, how can I add a folder (not a shortcut) to the start menu (not an existing submenu such as “All Programs”)? Or if there's some other way to create a submenu at the same location as the pinned items (or anywhere in the Start menu, really), what is it?

I think you can't create a menu like that. You can however get a workaround with the default libraries.

  1. Rightclick the startmenu and go to properties. Click 'customize'. You can choose to have a library that you don't use shown as a menu (e.g. 'recorded TV').

  2. Now rightclick that library on the startmenu and rename the menu to something like 'My programs'.

  3. You add folders to a library. Each folder becomes a submenu under your menu.

  4. Add shortcuts in the submenu's. Sadly, you can't have a shortcut directly in the library.

Hope this is somehow usefull.

If I just understand it clear, you want to add a folder like a pinned! I just drag one of folders of all programs to back icon, wait to go back to first location, then drop it on current place. And it works for any folder that is on your desktop or drives, drag it on the start icon, wait to open, then drop it on start menu.

For submenu: there is an identical question in a Microsoft forum, Expanding folders as submenus on the Start menu, and there is an answer for it.