Where is the visualVM executable for linux?

I'm trying to install the VisualVM plugin for eclipse, on my Ubuntu linux.

I'm following the instructions here.

So I've done the installation part, and the plugin is installed to eclipse.

Now for the configation, I need to enter the path to the executable.

Any idea of where this would be?

I've looked at /bin/ there's no file named visualvm or anything similar. And there's just jar files in the extracted download.

Just installing the launcher doesn't actually install VisualVM. They are separate products.

You need to have the jdk installed.

On ubuntu, and probably other too the binary will be:


You have to adapt the version of course

NOTE: Currently, if the VisualVM path is missing, starting a run of your code with the VisualVM launcher will show:

An internal error occurred during: "Launching [main class]". java.lang.NullPointerException

To fix this, go to: Properties->Run/Debug->Launching->VisualVM Configuration and fill in the "VisualVM Executable" box with the correct path.

The executable path will be [path into folder where you extracted contents of your VisualVM download]\bin\visualvm.exe or .../bin/visualvm, depending on your OS (as Sha commented).

If you cannot find this path in your system, it's likely because you've only installed the VisualVM Launcher, but not the VisualVM itself (as M.Hampton mentioned).

You can get VisualVM from here: http://visualvm.java.net/download.html#first_steps (don't click the Eclipse IDE integration 'cause that's just gonna take you to the launcher again).