How to get the Dock to open the Documents and Download folder in Finder?

When I click on the Documents or Downloads folder in the Dock, a Grid comes up. Is there a way to get it to just open in the Finder? Instead of having to click on Documents and then click on Open in Finder.

Right-click or Control+click on the Documents folder in the Finder, and click 'Make Alias'.

You probably want to move the alias somewhere else and rename it "Documents". Then, drag the Documents alias into the Dock.

Voíla, a link to the Documents folder instead of a Documents folder stack.

In MacOs High Sierra, you can just option+command+click the Documents folder in the Dock to open its content directly.

  1. Hold CMD while clicking the Documents or Download folder on your dock. It will open up your home directory with Documents or Download folder highlighted.
  2. Press CMD + O to open.

Or right click on the folder on dock, select "Open Documents"

You can do it in a single key command from Finder.

Cmd ⌘ Opt ⌥ L
alternatively, it's in the Go menu if you want to keep your hand on mouse/trackpad.

Answered here as it's linked as a dupe from How can I open my Downloads folder in one click? which asks for an alternative keyboard shortcut.