Unformat money when parsing in PHP

Is there a way to get the float value of a string like this: 75,25 €, other than parsefloat(str_replace(',', '.', $var))?

I want this to be dependent on the current site language, and sometimes the comma could be replaced by dot.

This is a bit more complex/ slow solution, but works with all locales. @rlenom's solution work only with dots as decimal separator, and some locales, like Spanish, use the comma as decimal separator.


public function getAmount($money)
    $cleanString = preg_replace('/([^0-9\.,])/i', '', $money);
    $onlyNumbersString = preg_replace('/([^0-9])/i', '', $money);

    $separatorsCountToBeErased = strlen($cleanString) - strlen($onlyNumbersString) - 1;

    $stringWithCommaOrDot = preg_replace('/([,\.])/', '', $cleanString, $separatorsCountToBeErased);
    $removedThousandSeparator = preg_replace('/(\.|,)(?=[0-9]{3,}$)/', '',  $stringWithCommaOrDot);

    return (float) str_replace(',', '.', $removedThousandSeparator);


['1,10 USD', 1.10],
['1 000 000.00', 1000000.0],
['$1 000 000.21', 1000000.21],
['£1.10', 1.10],
['$123 456 789', 123456789.0],
['$123,456,789.12', 123456789.12],
['$123 456 789,12', 123456789.12],
['1.10', 1.1],
[',,,,.10', .1],
['1.000', 1000.0],
['1,000', 1000.0]

Caveats: Fails if the decimal part have more than two digits.

This is an implementation from this library: https://github.com/mcuadros/currency-detector

use ereg_replace

$string = "$100,000";
$int = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $string); 
echo $int;



function toInt($str)
    return (int)preg_replace("/\..+$/i", "", preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/i", "", $str));


$string = array("$1,000,000.00","$1 000 000.00","1,000 000.00","$123","$123 456 789","0.15¢");
foreach($string as $s) {
    echo $s . " = " . toInt($s) . "\n"; 
function toInt($str)
    return preg_replace("/([^0-9\\.])/i", "", $str);


$1,000,000.00 = 1000000.00
$1 000 000.00 = 1000000.00
1,000 000.00 = 1000000.00
$123 = 123
$123 456 789 = 123456789
0.15¢ = 0.15

and if you cast it as an integer

$string = array("$1,000,000.00","$1 000 000.00","1,000 000.00","$123","$123 456 789","0.15¢");
foreach($string as $s) {
    echo $s . " = " . _toInt($s) . "\n";    
function _toInt($str)
    return (int)preg_replace("/([^0-9\\.])/i", "", $str);


$1,000,000.00 = 1000000
$1 000 000.00 = 1000000
1,000 000.00 = 1000000
$123 = 123
$123 456 789 = 123456789
0.15¢ = 0

So there you have it. single line, one replace. you're good to go.

You can use

  • NumberFormatter::parseCurrency - Parse a currency number

Example from Manual:

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
var_dump($formatter->parseCurrency("75,25 €", $curr));

gives: float(75.25)

Note that the intl extension is not enabled by default. Please refer to the Installation Instructions.

You're gonna need to remove the currency symbol from the string. PHP's intval stops at the 1st non-numeric character it finds.

$int = intval(preg_replace('/[^\d\.]/', '', '$100')); // 100

Though if you have a value like $100.25, you might wanna use floatval instead.

$float = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\d\.]/', '', '$100.25')); // 100.25